divendres, 7 de gener del 2011

ghettoVCBg2 - Free alternative for backing up VMs in ESX(i) 3.5 and 4.x

This tool is the follow up release of the ghettoVCB backup utility which allows users to perform backups of virtual machines residing on ESX(i) 3.5+/4.x+ servers using methodology similar to VMware's VCB tool. By incorporating highly constructive feedback from the VMware  community and utilizing the existing VI API, ghettoVCB’s framework was  completely rewritten to be harder, better, faster, stronger.

The primary motivation for ghettoVCBg2 was to provide ESXi users with  access to the utility without relying on unlocking and utilizing the  unsupported console. To satisfy this requirement, the rebuilt framework  takes advantage of the
VI Perl Toolkit/vSphere SDK for Perl which is present in the
VIMA/vMA virtual appliance provided by VMware. As a result, ghettoVCBg2 provides  a more proper backup solution that administrators can utilize in their  virtual infrastructure.

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